Sunday, July 11, 2010

June/July Update

Hey all!

I hope this blog finds you all well. I'm doing pretty well myself. The last few weeks have been pretty productive for me. I've decided to run a marathon while I'm here in South Korea. I've been training for about 3 weeks now and feel really good about it. I just finished a 9.3k run this morning through a pretty heavy rain. It was hard to work up the motivation to go but once I was running it felt great to have the fresh rain tapping my face. I've also been watching what I eat a lot more which is harder than I thought it would be here. Luckily, a few of my coworkers are trying to do similar things--get in shape, eat right.

I've been reading regularly, too. I finished Carl Sagan's Cosmos. If you haven't read this and are in anyway interested in the universe, life, and the future of the human species I suggest you take the time to read it. It really goes quickly. I had it done in a week. I'm almost finished with The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell. I'm not quite as interested in it though.

As for Korea, I haven't been able to do much exploring. I did go on a hike this weekend up a beautiful mountain with a friend. We road his motorcycle there. It was my first time on a motorcycle and it made me want to get one. The mountain was a difficult climb. Not only had I just run a 5k that morning but Koreans don't really understand the concept of a "switchback". Instead of slowly zigzagging up the slope the trails tend to just go straight up the side of the mountain.

I should have my camera again next week so I can post more pictures.

1 comment:

  1. yes more pics please ;-) good for you training for a marathon - you're going to be a lean mean runnin' machine.

    motorcycles are the best! we've had a great summer so far and i've been riding almost every day - i get a rush feeling the air on my face. that's funny about the paths going straight up - maybe it has something to do with an attitude of efficiency - you know, "don't waste time meandering up this mountain - let's just get to the top!"

    thanks for recommending "cosmos" - this topic is very interesting to me. since i currently am living a life of leisure, i spend a lot of time lounging around our pool and am always looking for a good read.

    good luck with your training!
